
What is a capacitor film?

This is a type of capacitor that uses plastic film as the dielectric. Compared with other capacitors, the capacitor film has excellent high-temperature and high-pressure resistance, good reliability, long life, and self-healing capabilities under overvoltage conditions. Therefore, it is widely used in various frequency conversion and AC/DC conversion scenarios, such as in the electric drives of new energy vehicles, OBCs, charging piles, and inverters and converters for photovoltaics and wind power. As capacitor films begin to develop and break through towards miniaturization, large capacity, high voltage, high-temperature resistance, and long life, their future application fields will further expand. Saifu is a capacitor film manufacturer, specializing in the development of capacitor films, dedicated to providing high-quality services.

Applications of capacitor films

Currently, due to their excellent stable performance and long-term reliable lifespan, capacitor films are extensively used primarily in the inverters of new energy systems. They can be applied in energy control, power management, power inversion, and DC-AC conversion, among others.

New Energy Vehicles

With the intensification of automotive electrification, the voltage and output power of automotive circuit systems have significantly increased, demanding stricter voltage and impact resistance capabilities from key components. Early DC support capacitors often used aluminum electrolytic capacitors, but as the maximum voltage of motor drives increased from 500V to 650V, the voltage resistance of aluminum electrolytic capacitors became insufficient. Increasingly, new energy vehicle companies are using polypropylene (PP) capacitor films to replace aluminum electrolytic capacitors.

Moreover, with the wave of electrification and intelligence, the internal systems of new energy vehicles are becoming increasingly complex, and the demands for space utilization are gradually rising. Compared with ceramic capacitors, capacitor films offer higher flexibility in terms of shape and size, and they are currently moving towards "miniaturization."

Photovoltaic and Wind Power Industry

In the photovoltaic and wind power fields, capacitor films are mainly used in photovoltaic inverters and wind power converters. Capacitor films absorb high pulse currents from inverters, keeping the voltage fluctuations at the inverter end within an acceptable range, and preventing the inverters from being affected by voltage overshoot and instantaneous overvoltage at the DC-Link end. As the cost of capacitor films continues to decrease, the economic advantages of capacitor films have become significantly highlighted and have been successfully applied in the photovoltaic and wind power fields, making capacitor films a trend for future design choices.
